Cybersecurity Maturity Model Webinar

7 Myths About CMMC Certification

Get the Truth by Reading This Tip Sheet

Don’t Let Misconceptions Jeopardize Your DoD Contracts


Most DoD contractors are familiar with the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC), because all companies that do business with the DoD will need to implement CMMC by January 2021 or risk losing contracts.

But several misconceptions are causing confusion. For instance, although CMMC is built upon NIST 800-171, they aren’t the same.

Our tip sheet, 7 Myths About CMMC Certification, is written to help you quickly separate fact from fiction. We’ll explain why:

  • Your IT department probably can’t manage the process easily
  • Getting certified doesn’t have to take more than a few months
  • You need more than a software solution

CMMC will impact every DoD contractor. Don’t risk losing business by falling for CMMC certification misconceptions.

Get the Fact About CMMC